Virtual Box

Free Windows Vista & Windows 7 for Testing on Mac/Linux

If you want to test exploits against windows machines or if you’re a web developer and need to test code in IE 7, 8, and 9 you will want to have multiple windows virtual machines handy. This tutorial will show you how to legally get copies of windows installed on virtualbox using the free editions(…)

Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions in Backtrack

If you want to run BackTrack in virtual box, I highly recommend installing the guest additions to take advantage of the screen resizing, shared windows, shared clip board, etc. Backtrack does not come with the virtualbox guest additions installed by default. Earlier versions of BT required several rounds of downloading kernel headers, patching, and copying(…)

Install VirtualBox Guest Additions in Ubuntu

1. Update your software 1sudo apt-get update 2. Install the latest security updates 1sudo apt-get upgrade 3. Install required packages 1sudo apt-get install dkms build-essential linux-headers-generic linux-headers-$(uname -r) module-assistant 4. Install guest additions Click on Install Guest Additions… from the Devices menu, then choose to browse the content of the CD when requested. Run sudo(…)